Tiffany is 13 year old female bichon frise, who came into our care via our friends at Patterson Lakes Vets. She had been surrendered to them.
When I picked her up I had to ask if our vet really thought she would be ok. She could not stand she was so weak. She sleepy all the way home. I carried her out and put her on the grooming table to check her over. Her nails were embedded in her paw pads and she had very little muscle tone in her back end. She was so sore when she stood up that she obviously had stopped trying and was wasting away. She has sores all over her body and had chewed her legs till they were raw. We cleaned her up and shaved her and trimmed her nails.
We carried her to the grass and slowly watched her left her head and her tail. She stood up and we could see that there was hope. She was still sore but much more comfortable. She was fearful and in need of love kindness and care. Over the coming weeks we did not have to carry her out anymore, this little girl could do it on her own.
She is now fully recovered and lives a happy life with the knowledge that she has her New Beginning with a family that will never abandon her in her twilight years.